
Snoipah Unlochabuhls

Sniper class time.

The Overheater: A sniper rifle that functions more or less like the original, but suffers 60% damage. Ignites the target with a powerful burn.

Tranquilizer: Every hit slows the target. Slower firerate.

Club: 50% damage, but deals 100% crit on tranquilized and overheated enimies.


Scout Unlockables -edit

Uh, more Scout ideas.

The Boomer: Pushes people back just like Natascha. 75% damage.

Desert Eagle: Same principle as the Scout revolver idea; more damage, lower firing rate and clipsize.

Stunstick: Flashes sparks on the target's screen and "Sentry pushes" if you hit, but swings dramatically slower. (Make sure you can't do this to teammates. That would be bad.)
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