
Stop pissing me off.

Ruin someone else's blog with your anti-virus scan adware. Just, please.

I am sick and tired of it. Now to post your precious spam you have to go through moderation, how about that?

Ugh, god, I am just having a terrible time with these friggin viruses! Please stop! I don't even know why you are doing this!

Denotes non-spammers. So far, there is only one.

See here: http://fc06.deviantart.com/fs26/f/2008/121/d/0/Just_a_sign_for_spammers____by_PaladinOfEldwood.png


Editing Poop

Nevermind. We have a new logo. Disregard the post below.



Looks like our Steam group has a new avatar, courtesy of yours truly. Lookie here:

It's supposed to be an "S" over the Team Fortress 2 logo. Done completely by me in Photoshop.

It's not a "5", by the way.


Comic Blog

My new blog for my comic is up. here we go: http://deathbyidiocy.blogspot.com/

RickRoll free.

I won't post much besides the comics themselves, so you can subscribe to the comic's feed by clicking "Subscribe to posts (Atom)" at the bottom of the page.
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