
Combyne's Citadel Run, Part 1

WARNING: HL2 Spoilers ahoy! Avast ye landlubbers! ARR!!

No, seriously.

Here I have some screenshots of my running through of the Combine Citadel, the last two levels of Half-Life 2.

First, another funny Combine Soldier death. If you're wondering, I accidentally shot him over to the corner and his body submerged underneath the platform. He fell off, eventually.

And the wreckage of war.

Yes, you can pick up bodies with the super Gravity Gun. And throw them, too.

And that concludes part 1. Stay tuned! (Ye scurvy dogs!!!one!1!!)


Strange Half-life 2 Combine Deaths

I have three strange, natrually occruing Combine Soldier death screens.

Death 1: Over on the bridge on Highway 17.

Death 2: Somewhere in a City 17 building.

Death 3: Sewers of City 17.

Maybe not the strangest, but they question the physics of Half-life 2.

Group Officerization

What I mean is that I am now an officer of our Steam group, the Supa Kool Elite Extrasmexy Team (S.K.E.E.T.)

So there. I needed to post somethin.


The First Post EVAR!!!!

This is the start of a flourishing blog. I hope so.


What will be avaliable here is anything from some writing I'm doing (right now, I've already started a Bionicle fanfic) to game screens, to uploads at other sites. Doesn't that sound great?
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